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Fabbrica europa

Action Figures
Monumental Sculptures

Massimo Barzagli
Action Figures
Monumental Sculptures

"Forbidden Planet, in Union Square, is one of those places in New York where you really do see people of all ages who seem to have emerged from the latest comic strip from the pen of the most extreme author. I often wander there, searching for improbable comic strips for my daughter Shila. Over the years I have come across a number of interesting authors.

Years ago at the Metro a wall bronze by Kiki Smith figuring a very realistic life-size nude reminded me of Rodin, then Rosalind Krauss went even further... We could say, sites and rhetoric, such as a series of "hands" by Bruce Nauman on show at the Castelli Gallery in 1996, or again the hands of Rodin at the Philadelphia Rodin Museum.
And yet you gather none of this, either at the MoMA or at the Metro.

In your mind take a walk from Union Square to Washington Square; in the W.S. park, especially after sunset, that is indeed where encounters can be infinite...
That is how I imagined placing here and there the small commemorative bronzes, Memory Park, Monumental Sculptures..."

Massimo Barzagli

Artist Massimo Barzagli's installation is on show outside the Stazione Leopolda. The installation was created over the past two years and is part of the new Action Figures Monumental Sculptures project which the author has chosen to present at Fabbrica Europa.
The large gesso sculpture of the installation is shaped live, on the festival's opening day on 6th May, by Marcello Goracci of Terrecotte S. Rocco during the  Action Figure  performance with Luisa Cortesi.

place start date time
Stazione Leopolda
16/05/2010 18:00