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Fabbrica europa

Il braccio nella manica

Luisa Cortesi

by and with Luisa Cortesi
coproduction: Fabbrica Europa

Save our Flowers is the title of the installation that Massimo Barzagli has created for the exterior and interior of the Stazione Leopolda: light, colour, movement, geometry, word and number, translated into a sort of key that makes them visually intelligible.

As part of the installation, Luisa Cortesi presents her performance, a figurative tale of the body.

An arm in a sleeve, hand in a pocket, head sunk between the shoulders, shoulders raised, chin lowered.
Not finding a sense in the rational succession of movement, and tracing in gesture the structural position of the body taking shape, she becomes aware of her own features, which form themselves during the experience.
It is a story of evolution or involution with the dramatic tempo of real movement as its subject, the experiential tempo of our actions in the continual quest to understand the precision of our positions.
An exploration of the possibilities of passing from one position to another, a slow transition, leading to an awareness of the shapes that the body adopts and demonstrates.
An act of will searching for the motor forces, the connections and levers that reinforce or counteract the force of gravity, leading towards a stable pose, ending in representation.
A figurative story in which the form that arises from the pose is never definitive, but rather, oscillating and vibrating in its mutations, recognizes itself coming into being and offers itself to the gaze as representation.
A body that recreates itself iconographically as a cultural body within history and the everyday, through its structure, the consideration of every possible variation in its development, the choice and acceptance of its self-determination.
A discourse in which there are no full stops, affirmations or pauses for reflection, but continuous moving lines without interruption or suspension.
A hand on the breast.
A flower seeking the light.

Luisa Cortesi


place start date time
Stazione Leopolda 05/05/2007 19:00  
Stazione Leopolda 04/05/2007 19:00  
Stazione Leopolda 20/05/2007 19:00  
Stazione Leopolda 12/05/2007 20:00  
Stazione Leopolda 18/05/2007 19:00  
Stazione Leopolda 06/05/2007 19:00  
Stazione Leopolda 08/05/2007 19:00