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Aspettando Godot

by Samuel Beckett
directed by: Roberto Bacci
with: Luisa Pasello, Silvia Pasello, Savino Paparella and Tazio Torrini
and: Davide Pini Carenzi  
dramaturge: Stefano Geraci
original musical score: Ares Tavolazzi
a production by Fondazione Pontedera Teatro

The subject of 'waiting' in Waiting for Godot (Aspettando Godot), follows on naturally from the themes of the Company's previous three productions, all inspired by works of world literature.
The first of the three was Oblomov from the novel by Ivan Gonciarov. The spirit of the play is summed up in a short line- 'When you wake, you're dead'. The second work was That which Remains (Ciò che resta) inspired by The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann. The theme of the play is hidden in the title itself: a meditation on what remains from now in death. The third work was derived from The Idiot by Dostoyevsky, Il Raglio dell'Asino, squeezebox of pain according to the verses of the poet Sandro Penna. The title evoked the possible existence of an absolutely good being- a donkey/Christ.  
These three productions interrogate their originating novel, not just through their themes, but also through the autonomy that the theatre has to find in order to be independent from literature.   

By turning to a classic theatrical text - Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett - the circles has been squared.  In contrast with our prior work,  everything seemed pre-written and pre-determined, down to the finest detail.  The score is on the music stand and it remains only to play.... But this is the trap that renders the production truly challenging.



place start date time
Stazione Leopolda
(Sala Teatro Danza)
15/05/2007 21:00 € 15
€ 12 (reduced)
Stazione Leopolda
(Sala Teatro Danza)
16/05/2007 21:00 € 15
€ 12 (reduced)