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Phare Ponleu Selpak Cirk

direction: Khuon Det, Phil Noble
music creation: Gardy Labad, Jeff Hernandez, Norng Chantha
partners and co-producers: Centro artistico Il Grattacielo - Italy
Ax Animation - France (Residency)
Collectif clowns d'ailleurs et d'ici (CCAI ) - France
Philippine Educational Theatre Association (PETA ) - Philippines
Trapezi de Reus Festival - Spain
Association d'Aide à l'Humanitaire (AAH) - France
Lomme Circus School / Centre régional des Arts du Cirque - France

Phare Ponleu Selpak (meaning "the brightness of art") is a Cambodian association that draws its origin from the refugee camps on the Thai border.
Phare Ponleu Selpak's circus school started its activities in Battambang, Cambodia in 1998, while the association was carrying out a program to take care of street children.
Since the end of 2000, a partnership unites the Collectif clowns d'ailleurs et d'ici (CCAI), a French association, with Phare Ponleu Selpak. The aim of this partnership is to support the circus school's development, on educational, technical and artistic aspects.
This cooperation gave the possibility to several young person to follow a training in different French circus schools (Rosny-sous-Bois, Lomme, Bordeaux); it enabled a hundred European live theatre professionals to go to Cambodia to share their knowledge and transmit it to the students. It also permitted several Phare Ponleu Selpak's circus shows to tour in Europe, Africa and Asia.
Putho! (meaning "My God" in Khmer), their last work, depicts desire, love and resentment in an authentic hymn for life.

luogo data inizio orario
Stazione Leopolda
(Sala Musica)
16/05/2010 17:00