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Gong e sciamani

Gongs and schamans

Gongs and Shamans: an ecstatic performance that introduces music as the means to a journey in the higher realms of consciousness.
Sound is used as an integral part of mystic ritual.
The performance will be followed by a short lesson on the mystery of music and of creative sound, stargate towards spiritual realities. The theme is presented by shamans Itzhak Beery and Ipupiara Makunaiman. In the final part of the encounter a musical comment will be played with Tibetan bells and the blowing of shells.

Sit down! The wizard of the gongs touches rustling the alchemic metals of his instrument, and the contact is immediate. You find yourself astonished and vibrating on hearing the sound of Creation exploding within you. God speaks to your cells, and the emotion of this direct dialogue transforms your perception of sound into participation that unites the invisible part of the cosmos to your body and to your real experience. You yourself are music and vibration and sounding board. You are transformed.
Alessandra Capelli

With the participation of:

Marcello Calasso, operator and researcher into bioenergetic sciences, a scholar of holistic sounds, a modulator of Gongs of bronze and crystal.

Itzhak Beery, visual artist, co-founder of the New York Shamanic Circle, shaman and healer initiated by the natives of Ecuador, Brazil, Peru and North America into the methods of transformation of consciousness.

Ipupiara Makunaiman, a native of the Ure-reu-wau-wau tribe, the shaman chosen by family and clan traditions, a thorough expert in the use of percussions and of master herbs and an anthropologist of international renown.

Alessandra Capelli, co-ordinator of the “Gongs and Shamans” project, doctor of philosophy, anthropologist, operator of holistic methods.

luogo data inizio orario
Stazione Leopolda
(Navata centrale)
11/05/2010 18:00