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The Living Room

Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards
The Living Room

directed by: Thomas Richards
The Focused Research Team in Art as Vehicle is: Benoit Chevelle, Jessica Losilla Hébrail, Teresa Salas, Philip Salata, Cécile Richards, and Thomas Richards

The Living Room, a new opus in the domain of Art as vehicle, takes us home, to a place in which we welcome another. By starting from this fundamental action that can take place in a living room, we enter an investigation into how the potentialities of performance craft can both enrich and be enriched by daily inter-personal relations and realities. How can our room come alive? How can one be with another in such a way that the quotidian slides seamlessly into the non-quotidian? Here the witness has the chance to shed his anonymity, being an individual, a guest. Within our meeting a performative event unfolds, structured and precise, a living stream of actions based on work with ancient songs of tradition, as well as texts exploring what it takes to awaken ourselves faced to ourselves, the other, and the world.

For their long-term support the Workcenter wishes to thank Fondazione Pontedera Teatro.

The Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards wishes to thank Bill Reichblum & Kadmus, Inc. for its ongoing support.

Reservation required

place start date time
Istituto Francese 19/05/2010 15:00